Rule Editor

You can fill in the following rule parameters parameters here:

Rule description

The description of the rule (maximum 100 symbols). This field can stay blank.

IP protocol

Defines the name or the number of an IP protocol for the rule. See the IP protocol number article in TrafMeter Knowledge Base.

Source and Destination

These fields define a method of checking the IP addresses of the captured packets. If the captured packet is TCP or UDP, you can set the conditions to check the TCP or UDP port number.


Attention! The "Direction" option is enabled by default. Unless you surely know what you are doing, leave this untouched.

TCP options (only for TCP protocol)

This allows to catch the first packet of new TCP connection (according the TCP specification, it is the packet with SYN flag and without ACK flag). The option is useful for creating firewall rules which block, for example, incoming TCP connections. This option is available only in one direction, the "Direction" flag will be disabled automatically.

ICMP options (only for ICMP protocol)

This enables checking a type of each captured ICMP packet. If captured packet is ICMP Echo Request, the match will be appeared (if other condition are valid also). This option is useful for creating firewall fules as well.


The "Action" property defines what TrafMeter should do with the captured packet in case of Rule Match.

These actions can be expressed in the next table as well:

Action The counters will be updated The captured packet will be processed by the next filter The captured packet will be denied by firewall
Count Yes Yes No
Pass (not count) No No No
Count and pass Yes No No
Block No No Yes
No rule match No Yes No

Options "The packet must be"

This defines whether the packet must be counted in the previous filter(s), not counted in the previous filter(s) or ignore this option. It is useful to prevent counting the same packet twice.

ToS (Type of Service)

This sets a condition for checking ToS (ToS is a filed located in the IP packet header). See an article about ToS in TrafMeter Knowledge Base.

Traffic counters condition

This allows setting the traffic limits for the filters (available only in Active Capture Mode). See configuration example 6.

Time-based counters conditions

This allows to define a time when the current rule will be valid.


You can invoke Rule Editor from Filter Editor.